Remembering The White Oak

Photos & words by Giannina Fredo - Los Angeles, CA

The White Oak Music and Arts Center (2013 - 2018) was a special place. It was a music school in the heart of the Valley with a small rehearsal room that served as a venue. Many bands that passed through here went on to do great things, like perform at Warped Tour (RIP to that, too). Everyone would go to the Wendy’s next door after shows, oftentimes accompanied by the bands they went to see. I’ll never forget the first time I attended a gig here to see a friend’s band. As soon as I walked in, I noticed that some parts of the walls were covered with pillows and foam pads. A guy working at the snack bar, a table at the back of the venue covered with bags of chips and homemade merch, told me they were protecting the walls from the mosh pits. I wondered if they were actually trying to cover holes left behind by people that had moshed a little too hard.

It reminded me of The Cobalt Cafe in Canoga Park (unfortunately, also long gone), where I was first introduced to the LA punk scene at the tender age of 13. However, The White Oak was the place that sparked my love for concert photography. The place where I got to practice and struggle with taking somewhat decent photos of energetic band members that never stopped moving. (My cardinal sin was assuming that my kit lens was good enough for those low light shots… I was quickly humbled.) Where the pit would suddenly open up around me and I tried my best to protect my camera. Where several people would immediately rescue me before resuming their stage diving and thrashing. The euphoric energy and camaraderie was like no other and I miss it. The building is a martial arts center now, but it still brings back memories of those fun, sweaty nights when I drive by sometimes. The Valley (and everywhere, really) needs more venues like this. Thank you, White Oak.

See some photos I took one autumn night in 2016 below. All black and white edits for the nostalgia.

Song recommendation while you’re here: ‘Ava House’ - The Menzingers

This (amazing) band used to go to gigs and perform at a D.I.Y. house venue in Philadelphia called Ava House. After the punk venue shut down, they wrote this song as a eulogy. It seemed fitting for the topic of this post.

Giannina Fredo

Giannina Fredo is a photographer and voiceover artist based in Honolulu and Los Angeles. She enjoys attending concerts and occasionally writes about music she loves.


Ambar Lucid - The Parish - Austin, TX